It’s a trend that InnoFoot has seen grow for a few years now. Blokecore is a fashion style characterized by wearing football-related accessories, denim jeans, low Adidas trainers and, of course, vintage football shirts as the main piece.
Those who think Blokecore is a new trend, are wrong. The origins of bloke core are located in the UK during the 1970s and 1980s. This period was characterized by football fans who went to the stadium at the weekend wearing their favorite football jersey to cheer along for their team. We call these football fans "the casuals", They are football fans who often take football culture very seriously. Wearing brands like Sergio Tacchini, Stone Island and so on with their favorite shirt to their club's football matches, these outfits were seen as symbols of fierce devotion to their team.
Now, many years later, several football shirts are used as inspiration for different fashion brands. Brands such as Balenciaga, Patta, Moncler and many more have tried to reference the most played sport in the world in their attire.
So in a nutshell. Blokecore tries to reconcile the love of football with fashion. It's about showing which team you stand behind in a fashionable way.